Sunny is back ~

It’s been a while that I dressed JS as a girl. Though he always turns to be a very cute little girl but the expression is still somehow stern like a boy :O

These photos were taken by my friend HanhNguyen in our latest meeting.

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll


Some old pictures of Sunny: 

– Poor Sunny T.T
– The lost paradise
– The Resort
– Sunny’s lovely Saturday morning
– Sunny’s Year end
– Sunny đi thi!!
– Bộ ảnh Tết mini của Angie và Sunny
– Sunny & Angelica ~ Hai tên tiểu quỷ phá phách
– Sunny và tóc mới 
– Quà dễ thương từ Oc và Hạnh
– Nông trại tí hon của Sunny ~
– Sunny đã về với Bunny như thế nào?
– Sunny ~ My little bad kid 

1st morning of Aurora

WOW!!!! After 3 waiting months, my second tiny BJD was here 😀 She’s Pukifee Pong Pong with white skin.

Well, I chose white skin because the normal skin of FairyLand is kinda pinky in compared with my JS’s old LatiYellow normal skin tone. Admittedly, I was very worry about she would be too white on picture but everything turned our very very good 😀

WOW! Vậy là sau 3 tháng chờ đợi, bé BJD nhỏ thứ hai đã về với mình rồi 😀

Lúc chọn mua, mình cũng suy nghĩ rất nhiều về màu da cho bé vì màu da tự nhiên của FairyLand khá hồng so với sắc vàng của LatiYellow. Thú thật mình đã rất lo lắng liệu con bé lên ảnh nhìn có trắng quá không, nhưng cuối cùng mọi thứ còn trên cả tuyệt vời.

  • Name: Aurora Vasilis aka Aury
  • Sculpt: FairyLand Pukifee Pong Pong
  • Skin tone: White skin / da trắng
  • Face-up: by me / BunnyForever
  • Sun sign: Scorpio
  • Blood type: AB
  • Characteristics: I’m working with it but she’s very cheerful little baby and a real trouble maker >”< / Mình vẫn đang tìm hiểu nhưng con bé rất nghịch ngợm và toàn gây chuyện >”<

Check out my BJD family HERE!

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Đẹp quá ” / So Beautiful”
JS: ^_______^

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Nữa…nữa…” / “More… more…”
JS: “Chờ chút!” / “Just a minute”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Nhanh đi! Bà ngoại dậy bi giờ!” / “Come on! Grandma will wake up SOON!”
JS: “Không đâu! Bunny ngủ nước dữ lắm! Tụi mình còn khối thời gian!” / “We still have a lot of time”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Vẽ gì tiếp nữa ha?” / What’s next?
Bunng: “Con mắt còn lại.” / The other eye…

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Thôi xong rồi!!!” /Uh….oh….

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Ủa, Aury đâu rồi?”
“Nhân vật tóc màu xanh đã không thấy đâu!!!”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

*Chân ải chân ai?”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “AURY?!?!”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Aury không có ở đây đâu!!!”
JS” >”<

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Đi ra ngoài này mau!!!”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Bunny: “Đứa nào đầu têu?
JS: “Aury kêu con vẽ.”
Aury: “Tee-heeee”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Aury hổng có ở đây!”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll


sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Í, bị bắt òi!!!”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Bunny: “2 đứa quay mặt vô bảng mau!!!”
Aury: “Vui ghê!!!”
JS: “Hu…hu…hu… Vui cái đầu con í.”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Aury: “Í, chú chửi thề!!!! Con méc ngoại nè!”
JS: “Gruuuuuuu…”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, pukifee pongpong, pukifee pong pong, puki fee pong pong, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Bunny: “Im lặng và úp mặt tiếp!!!”
JS: “Huhuhuhhu”
Aury: “tee-hee… Vui quá!”

Mình còn 1 cái faceplate mặt ngủ và faceplate tặng Sarang nằm chờ… Để khoe sau trong bài unbox ngắn vậy @___@

Sweet moment ~

It’s really weird but Jenny is not that hard to photograph her as I thought, due to her very very sad expression. Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce her to you. Jenny is my friend Giang’s Lati yellow Lea – vampire version which she got the head from an event last year. Giang once told me that she would never buy another Lea no matter how beautiful she may be because Giang could not take any good photos for the little girl. However, now watching agains pictures I shot yesterday, an answer appeared in my mind, perhaps Lea is just not Giang’s type. In my eyes, Giang is a cheerful and straight-forward lady; that’s why a sad Lea is not for her. Maybe Jenny likes my JS so she let me got her images, lolz.

The pictures was taken briefly while Giang and I was talking nonsense in Savoure bakery near my house so there was no beautiful background; but who needs, really, since they’re so small :))))

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, lati yellow lea vampire, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Tell me ~”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, lati yellow lea vampire, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

JS: “Why are you so sad?”

sunny, js, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, lati yellow lea vampire, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Jenny: “I… wanna eat the strawberry cake.”
JS: “Okay”

ball jointed doll, bjd doll, lati yellow sunny, lati yellow lea vampire, búp bê khớp cầu, bup be khop cau, bjd doll

Jenny: “Don’t come any closer or I’ll bite you.”

Other JS’s stories:

– Evil little JS!!!
– It’s a lovely day for JS
 Trouble Maker ~
 It’s painful to be a fangirl

Evil little JS!!!

As my little JS didn’t know how to deal with a sticky kid, he intended to do something really evil…

pukipuki pong pong, puki puki pongpong, pukipuki pongpong, sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

Cherry: JS… JS….
JS: Sao giờ ta?!

pukipuki pong pong, puki puki pongpong, pukipuki pongpong, sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

Cherry: JS! JS! Bé thích anh!
JS: Hay dẫn nhóc này vô rừng rồi bỏ chạy ta? O.O

pukipuki pong pong, puki puki pongpong, pukipuki pongpong, sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

Cherry: Bé muốn chơi!!!
JS: Có vẻ khả thi!!!

pukipuki pong pong, puki puki pongpong, pukipuki pongpong, sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

JS: Đi nào, nhóc!
Cherry: YEAHH!!!!

pukipuki pong pong, puki puki pongpong, pukipuki pongpong, sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

Cherry: La.. la… la…
JD: Chết rồi!!! Lạc đường… T.T

And so, our evil little JS couldn’t be evil. Poor guy!!!!

Other JS’s stories:

– It’s a lovely day for JS
 Trouble Maker ~
 It’s painful to be a fangirl

Trouble Maker ~

Our little HyunA came back home this week and JS decided to have a date with her for mending misunderstanding with Pamela last week :))))

All the pictures I took yesterday were directed spontaneously by me, I mean this crazy Bunny :)))))

I wanna send my heart to Himiko, Little HyunA/Mio‘s Mama for lending me all the stuffs and willing let me call her baby Little HyunA.

I’ll post part 2 soon, since I am fucking lazy for retouching.

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

Related articles:

– It’s painful to be a fangirl
– It’s a lovely day for JS

It’s a lovely day for JS

Due to my obsession with Jang Hyung Seung aka Jay Stomp (JS in short) lately, I unintentionally turned my playful Sunny into gentle little JS and honestly saying, it was a right choice. I do not know why but since then, I could take some good shots with different poses, things I didn’t have in the past. Maybe, by any chance, the new Sunny – JS is a suitable style for me. Hahaha, did I tell you, i’m not a cute but a nice guy?

Himiko and I had a lovely day in city zoo with a lot of beautiful shots for mainly Ciel and some for my JS. At first, I hesitated a bit because my JS was still in his sister’s pretty shoes… He is a guy and there was no way he wanted to be seen in that girly stuff but Mama knew it all, hahahaha. He had to obey his evil Mama, I mean it’s me, hahaha. But maybe we created a new strong bond so his yesterday photos are beautiful. I am absolutely in love with him right now.

I will update Ciel’s pictures soon. As the main model, he got many good shots to be edited and I’m a lazy ass, hahaha.

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

You can check out our first JS’s shots with his girlfriend HERE or Sunny’s older pictures HERE.

It’s painful to be a fangirl

… And it’s worse when you have to witness bad things happening to your idol but there is nothing you can do.

Today is a very happy day for a BJD owner but also a sad day for a fangirl of JS/HyungSeung from BEAST. It’s happy because I had wonderful days with my friends and took many great photos, which I will show you right after this. However, as a JS bias, I finally was confirmed by many statements from other fans that JS has been ignored/bullied by the rest in his own group.

JS is being ignored since his comeback with HyunA and their newest mini album “Chemistry”. At first, I heard others said there was no any words from BEAST for JS’s comeback, but I didn’t care much with thought: “They may say it in person”. But, in many clips on Youtube, during and after JS’s comeback, with BEAST and with HyunA or alone, he seemed to show different attitudes. He was very playful around HyunA, while with his own group, he was very very quite. At first again, I thought maybe he was always a 4D person so he just shifted into his own world, but gradually, I stopped thinking so. JS has been really ignored by BEAST, i got to conclude to that. JS looked very lonely, sad and full of emotion and his group members haven’t given him any touch or eye contact. All these urged me to find out an answer!

There are some theories I could come up with. Firstly, maybe JS did a terrible mistake, too serious to be tolerated. But in my opinion, as men, they should sort things out like men, stop playing Cold war ’cause that’s girl’s way, ok? Secondly, is it possible that all because of jealousy? Somehow JS now shone brighter than all? I, personally, hate this theory, they’re brothers and real brothers should feel happy for each other’s success. Thirdly, and also the craziest theory I could think about. JS stole HyunA away from HyunJun, oh yeah!!! Sound silly huh, but because all of this issue only has happened since JS comeback with TroubleMaker,  and other members said congrat a lot with JunHyun’s solo. Lastly, is there any chance that this is a plot from Cube? I strongly believe that their managers has already awared this problem but we see no improvement. If this issue still keep going on, BEAST’s image surely will be damaged. I brang all these theories up with a friend and we are still in a middle of confusion.

I will keep supporting JS whatever is happening. Yes, even if my silly theory is true, and I will explain why later in case it’s the truth. I was inspired by his devotion to his dream, and it won’t change forever.

Okay, back to my photo set. I didn’t do it on purpose from the beginning, hahaha. When my friend put this short wig on my Sunny, she turned to be a very cute boy, just like Js in around 2011 – 2012, hahaha. Then I decided to create some intimate yet lovely photos with my friend. She’s the photographer behind all these, such a talented lady.

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mio

sunny, js, jang hyung seung, ball jointed doll, bjd doll, troublemaker, trouble maker, chemistry , pukifee mil, lati yellow sunny